From: Glen Galbraith []
Sent: 30 October 2009 12:00
To:; 'Pastor Don Collings';; 'Alexander Bauman'; 'Marvin Uptain'
Subject: G-Mail
Greetings Friends,
You’re probably getting tired of seeing emails from me, eh? Oops, sorry about that…I’ve been spending too much time with Mike (he’s from Canada!)
Anyway, there is much to thank God for and much still to keep before His throne, so I thought I’d share some praises and prayer requests with you.
My brother is doing better. He has finished his first set of chemo treatments and now gets a week off before the next one.
His body is responding well to treatment and the various levels and organs are now getting back to normal.
He has seen a couple of goals met in the past couple of days, physically.
The transition at church from our leadership to Mike and Katrina is going well and is on track to be completed by the end of the year.
The church is receiving Mike and Katrina and we are happy to see things going smoothly.
The Lord is opening doors and giving us peace and vision for the future in England.
We are excited for the “next step” and we are looking forward to seeing God’s hand working.
We had a wonderful time with Tammy’s parents as they visited us in October. We were able to see the town where we will (more than likely) be working and living for the first time with them.
Prayer Requests.
My brother still has a long way to go. Please pray for the continuing treatment for the cancer. More chemo and meds will be administered over the next several months. Please pray for strength and patience for Rob.
Yesterday marked the first day he was able to walk up two steps! He is still unable to walk unaided. This is very discouraging to him, please pray for strength and patience in this. He starts physiotherapy next week.
Please pray for the pain in his spine to subside.
Please pray for the Church as we continue to take steps in the transition into Mike’s very capable hands. Please pray for unity and growth at Westhill Baptist Church.
Please pray for our family. This is much more difficult on us than we anticipated. Our “baby” is leaving (or, rather, we are leaving our baby!) Most of the people in the church are our spiritual babies.
Please pray that God will provide the necessary funds to return to the states at Christmas to be able to visit my brother. It would be a great encouragement to both him and to us to be able to spend a little time with him.
At the moment, we have the ability to buy a couple of tickets, but we really think it would be good for the whole family to see him.
The weather has changed drastically here and we are hurtling toward the winter. It’s already dark by just after 4pm. Every year at this time I am reminded of the Bible’s exhortation to redeem the time because the days are short. Are we looking for the Lord’s return? Does it effect the way we live our lives? Does it spur us on to take every opportunity to share our faith with those around us? I trust it does.
Thank you so much for your prayers for my brother. I was able to share some of your responses with him via email as an encouragement. I know I wasn’t able to respond to each of you, but we REALLY do appreciate your concern and prayers and encouragement.
It is a joy and a privilege to represent you in the United Kingdom.
In His Wonderful Service,
Glen, Tammy, Trevor, Tim and Heather Galbraith.
“Helping to bring the gospel back to the United Kingdom”